Statistics - General 
16 entries using 16,017 words stored in 97,856 bytes.
20 comments using 2,478 words stored in 15,608 bytes.
0 trackbacks stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
381,991 votes stored in 383 bytes.

10 Most rated entries 
Global Warming Poll : Socialism 7, Capitalism Zip! (3.03).
Global Warming: A Convenient Lie (3.02).
Who are these people? (3.02).
Just when you thought it can't possibly get any more absurd, (3.01).
"Throw out the record books" (3.01).
My Response To A Sixth-Grader (3.01).
Sun Spots (3.00).
Arnold Can't Give Us 'Green' Cement (3.00).
Global Warming Myth Now Bamed On Divorces (3.00).

10 Most voted entries 
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’ (35,290).
Sun Spots (33,456).
Arnold Can't Give Us 'Green' Cement (31,815).
Global Warming Poll : Socialism 7, Capitalism Zip! (28,774).
Global Warming Myth Now Bamed On Divorces (28,583).
"Throw out the record books" (28,416).
Off Topic - New Rules: Bill Maher has to stop telling conservatives when they can or cannot roll their eyes. (27,598).
Galactic Global Warming (27,558).
My Response To A Sixth-Grader (27,249).

10 Most viewed entries 
Galactic Global Warming (124,221).
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’ (59,170).
Arnold Can't Give Us 'Green' Cement (42,892).
Sun Spots (41,362).
Global Warming: A Convenient Lie (39,955).
Who are these people? (31,441).
My Response To A Sixth-Grader (31,148).
Bullshit Alert (26,643).
"Throw out the record books" (24,214).

10 Most commented entries 
Bullshit Alert (3).
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’ (3).
Just when you thought it can't possibly get any more absurd, (2).
Arnold Can't Give Us 'Green' Cement (2).
"Throw out the record books" (1).
Global Warming Poll : Socialism 7, Capitalism Zip! (1).
Media Matters launches Global warming Spin Machine (1).
Who are these people? (1).
Global Warming: A Convenient Lie (1).

10 Most trackbacked entries 

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